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The world has changed drastically in the last couple of months, and even though we live on the island paradise of Hawaii full time, we can’t avoid the changes. Our vocabulary has increased to include not just coronavirus and COVID-19, but phrases such as social distancing and self-quarantine are popping up as frequently as toilet paper and paper towels are disappearing from the shelves. Our newsfeeds offer constant updates as our friends and family grow more frightened with each passing day, but in spite of all this, there are still moments of hope, cheer, and kindness. Memes about Prince Charmin and Easter Peeps with surgical masks that are passed around don’t make light of the situation; rather, they help us deal with the new reality with humor, and viral videos show musicians playing for an audience of hundreds who can’t leave their homes. It’s these little bright spots that remind us that this crisis won’t last forever, and when it ends, we at Quam Properties will be waiting for you with homes that have adapted to the new normal of sanitization! Here are some safety guidelines and tips for COVID-19!

Tips for COVID-19 – Self-Quarantine is the Phrase of the Day

As we wash our hands for the millionth time each day, humming the chorus to Dolly Parton’s Jolene to ensure we stay at the sink the proper amount of time (at least 20 seconds), the news is filled with the latest self-quarantine information, and if you happened to be scheduled to arrive during this time, you should know that you will need to spend two weeks in quarantine. Of course, most of us aren’t traveling right now, so we’re sure it won’t be an issue. In any case, as gatherings with over 10 people aren’t allowed, public events are being cancelled, libraries are temporarily closed, and restaurants are only open for carry-out, self-quarantining won’t be that difficult to do if you are already here. As the situation is fluid and ever-changing, we can’t say when normalcy will return, but we can offer these helpful tips on how you can do your part to end the crisis. Wash your hands often, limit your expeditions to only necessary ones for food and supplies, and although this last piece of advice isn’t on the virus warning lists, try to laugh as often as possible.

This Crisis is Temporary

Every day that passes brings us one day closer to the end of the crisis, and when that day comes, we at Quam Properties will be here waiting for your return, offering comfort, style, and the cleanliness that you have come to expect! Stay safe and healthy!